Been a while since I posted, I recently started up hacking again to find a... most painful discovery.
It was FEditor that killed the Fa animation, what that means is that I can't add animations to the game at all, or edit the text without breaking Fa's animation (and causing other errors because FEditor wasn't bug tested for FE6) that simply wont do. I can still release a minor Stat/Growths patch that still gives you Guinevere and Gale and lets you promote at 16/x. But that's all.
I wont stop hacking, I'll probably move the program over to FE7 or 8 (probably 8 because it supports Manaketes like Fa) or the new engine FE7x is being created on (FEXP was a failure to say the least, not supported by anyone, no way to save, no way to map transition) but given that I have very poor map making skills and no spriting skills what so ever. This will slow down to a complete crawl.